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Commands Taught and Proper Learning Environment

Listed below are the commands I teach you how to teach your dog:


We want to start training immediately, and the first 5 will be introduced in the first week and we will meet several times that first week.


1-Hurry Up- go to the bathroom-this can get introduced as early as puppy’s first ride home

2-Kennel up


4- Leave it

5- Heel and Sit are taught at the same time

6- Come command introduced (to be taught in full later)



9-Paw (shaking hands)


11-Stand- great command to clean paws

12-Come-this is the toughest command to get right and will take the most time


(Commands 6-11 can be taught in any order)


If you master all of them, you will have a well-trained dog. 


Advanced commands like chasing the birds can be taught at a later date and more advanced training can be done with trainers expert in Protection and Agility Training if you are so inclined. Magnum learned the “chase” command very quickly and he chases the birds off the golf course we live on.


Training lessons (with me) should be done with as few (or zero) distractions as possible and all training will be done via zoom in a quiet distraction free zone in the comfort of your home or backyard where you and your dog are already comfortable. Just think back to your schooling days. Is it easier to learn in a quiet classroom with just the teacher talking or in a classroom where there is chaos and distractions? Obviously, it is easier to learn in the calm quiet classroom. Zoom is preferable to in-person training as the instructor (me) can be another distraction. Using Zoom, I am just a voice on the screen, and you are the pack leader! Remember, my goal at Neal’s Naughty Puppy School is teach you and your family members how to be the “Pack Leader”. I am already the pack leader over here and I want to teach you to be one too. All lessons will be recorded, so you will have your own personal library of our lessons that can be referred to time and again.


As we go forward, it is a good idea to test what we have learned in places where there are many distractions like family get togethers, doggie play dates, and dog parks. This is where we find out if what we have learned has really taken hold.


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