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Preparations for Your New Puppy

Your house needs to be prepared for your new friend like you would a baby.


1-Remove anything that can be easily knocked over.

2-Remove anything dangerous that can be chewed.

3- Put a bed in every room where you think you will spend a lot of time with your pup. We have them in my bedroom, my son’s bedroom and the living room. This is for the “place” command which will be taught in a few weeks.

4-Make sure you have toys ready for puppy to play with and bowls for puppy to eat and drink out of.

5-Buy a leash (I would recommend a leather one) a choker chain, and a collar and have it hanging by the door you will use when heading out to the bathroom.

6- Have a spot nearby picked out that will be the bathroom (“Hurry up”) spot and bring puppy right to it as soon as you get home for the first time.

7- Buy a crate and make sure it is set up before puppy comes home. Put a treat in it and introduce puppy to it as soon as you bring puppy into the house for the first time.

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