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Why Zoom?

When I got my first puppy, I was completely clueless.

At my Vet’s recommendation, I signed up for obedience

school and off Magnum (the original) and I went. It was a group class

with several other bewildered dog owners and my

education had begun.


Something I quickly realized was that obedience school

was for humans to be taught how to properly handle

their dogs and be the pack leader. So, Magnum and I

worked every day on what we learned in class and

Magnum really responded, and god dam it was fun and

rewarding. But group classes are a difficult environment

to learn in, as there are endless distractions. Conversely,

they are a great place to socialize your puppy and test your

puppy’s obedience in a setting chock full of distractions,

and I do recommend going for those reasons but that is

a story for another day.


 My next step forward was when I took private lessons with my third German Shepherd Ace. I learned a ton including training with hand signals and much of what I teach was shaped by that experience. But, as great of an instructor as Mike was, he was still the biggest presence in the room and the pack leader, and his dogs were always present which added to the distractions.


I am not here to tell you that group classes and private instruction can’t work, as I arrived here doing just those things, but it took several instructors and 35 years.


But folks, there is a better way!


These are the benefits of learning via Zoom:


1- We start immediately. Valuable time is wasted and bad habits are easy to start if you wait to start training. By training via zoom, we don't have to wait until puppy has had all of their required shots. We start Day 1.


2- You can be in your own home or back yard where you are already comfortable and your pet will be shortly.


3- You create an environment with few distractions which is perfect to learn in. 


4- I am just a voice on the screen guiding you and your puppy. You are giving him commands, praise, treats, love, discipline and creating an unbreakable bond while becoming the Pack Leader. 


Let the mistakes I made and the things I learned and figured out, help you become the pack leader your puppy wants and needs.


People, this is not just an investment in one pet, this is an investment in you, for all the dog’s you (and hopefully your family) will have in their lives.


"Zoom training sessions have helped us and Tatum tremendously! Neal has been absolutely amazing during the process. With Neal being across the country, we are able to train effectively whenever we want. Our training sessions started off weekly, and have now been bi-weekly as Tatum has mastered his commands (without Neal physically there during our training sessions)."

Jake and Katie

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